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Singing, Dancing, Acting: Why You Need to Be a Triple Threat

This is our most popular blog from two years ago and thought why not reshare this ..................................................................................................................................................

Anyone can learn to dance, dance, or act on its own. It takes true talent to be able to MASTER all three of those fields. Here’s why you need to know them all to succeed.

Dance, sing, and act

Why Is it Important?

Much like a Bachelor’s degree means less today than it did twenty years ago, being able to do just one of the three pieces of a triple threat is not going to get you where it used to. While it may be impressive to laymen, producers want someone who is able to do all three. Every day, more fresh competition begin their first classes at dancing, singing, or acting, and they’re just beginning their path to the stage. Most will fizzle out or quit, but some may even become world-renowned. As the competition increases, chances of succeeding for any one individual decreases, and any “leg up” that one can have should be taken advantage of. Therefore, be sure that you can prove yourself outstanding on singing, dancing, and acting.

What Do You Do?

If you’re a rising star trying to get on the stage, you need to master all three of these talents to be able to be considered for any serious role. This means taking classes every single week, in some cases every day, for all three of these different talents. Practicing your vocal skills, dancing techniques, and acting abilities will craft you into a genuine, fluid actor on stage, and will easily prove you to be the best amongst your peers. Many students of the arts think that being enrolled in stage school is enough to make them adequate for performances. However, that’s not the case even for professionals. Broadway stars like Laura Bell Bundy from Legally Blonde: The Musical, had to go through vocal training every single week, even though she was already a working professional. Any true, professional stage actor will tell you that the practicing never really stops.

This is also true for TV/FILM. Learn as much as you can early on so you are not a 'novice' going into these type of auditions and or on set.

How to Prepare Mentally

Knowing that you’ll always be practicing for acting, singing, and dancing is a daunting thought. It’s a lot to prepare yourself for, and it means that you’d better enjoy doing it. If you do relish singing, dancing, and acting practice, then you’ll love pursuing this goal of being a true triple threat. Even your love can wax cold after months of practicing, however, so it’s good to have some mental breaks from the life of theatre. Make sure you involve yourself in other hobbies that you enjoy (that are also healthy). For instance, go jogging, ride bikes, go on dates, and just enjoy yourself as much as you can make room for, otherwise you’ll be locked inside of a dance hall every week with no escape! Make sure to make plenty of room for yourself while you work toward your dream, or else you won’t be healthy enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Let us Help!

If you’d like to become a triple threat, we’re the perfect solution. Visit our page to see when our next Master Class is, where you can be taught the tricks of the trade by professionals who have danced in your shoes! If you have any questions for us or our team of professionals, please feel free to email us!

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